Snowy Mountain Hop

We hiked a section of the Appalachian Trail in single digit temperatures in January this year and enjoyed the snow/ice covered trees on some of the knobs just south of Plum Orchard Shelter. … [Read more...]

Ridgeline Sunset

Beer Run and I hit the ridgeline right at sunset. Looks like we'll be hiking in the dark tonight! … [Read more...]

Maine – September 2022

In September 2022, we did a backpacking trip to Maine to celebrate Beer Run's 50th birthday. Spent a couple nights in the legendary 100 Mile Wilderness and had a chance to visit Casco Bay and Portland's Fort Williams on the way back to Boston. … [Read more...]

Trail Days 2019

Trail Days was first held in the late 80's to celebrate hiker culture and the 50th anniversary of the Appalachian Trail's completion.  The event has grown exponentially since then and now serves as a homecoming for thru-hikers and for those that are passionate about the A.T.  This year I celebrated the 25th anniversary of my 1994 thru-hike with some backpackers that I met on the A.T. and some friends that I hike with frequently in Georgia and North Carolina.  This is a montage … [Read more...]

Episode 96: Above The Ashes (P1)

In Episode 96, Kevin Conley is back on the show after a six year hiatus to tells us about his last few years as a wildland firefighter, his subsequent battle with mental illness, and his 3500 mile ride across the country to beat it. This journey helped Kevin overcome one of the darkest moments of his life which he details in his recently published book “Above The Ashes” - a powerful memoir of his journey with dog Rocky. We last spoke with Kevin in 2016 after his thru-hikes on the … [Read more...]

Episode 91B: Boyz In The Wood

In Episode 91B, Matt from the "Boyz In The Wood" tells us about his 1994 northbound thru-hike on the Appalachian Trail in a limited N2Backpacking bonus edition. This is the fifth release in a special series to celebrate the 25th anniversary of our hike, and it was recorded at Trail Days on May 13, 1995 in Damascus, Virginia. Matt hiked with partner Derek as the "Boyz In Wood" in '94, and in this bonus episode we flashback to the mid-90's to speak with Matt about the trip. The interview was … [Read more...]

Episode 90: Party Foul!

In Episode 90, we are in the mountains near Hays, North Carolina to discuss "party fouls" or bad hiker etiquette on the trail. In the show, we discuss some of the bad behavior that was frequently mentioned in online articles, posts, and videos. We comment if we've been guilty of it, witnessed it, or agree that it IS indeed bad hiking etiquette. We also suggest what you SHOULD do on the trail and close the podcast with some gear fails that can ruin your day. This is a special interview, … [Read more...]

The Jolly Roger

Birdshooter-Country Club-The Camel

Two of my backpacking friends had milestone birthdays in 2021, and we had grand plans to celebrate on distant mountains in the western U.S.  But after numerous attempts to synchronize schedules, we settled on a road trip to The Camel's mountain house near Hays, N.C. to celebrate his 60th.  Here we are pulling into his driveway after a long drive from Atlanta. The Camel had neighbors over when we arrived.  So we had a few beverages with them and enjoyed the sunset from the back … [Read more...]

Episode 89: Stuffsack

In Episode 89, we flashback to 1995 for an interview with StuffSack about his thru-hike on the Appalachian Trail the previous year. StuffSack and I stayed in contact after our summer together and were able to connect for this interview when he visited Charlotte, N.C. about four months after we completed our thru-hike. In the interview, StuffSack talks about his first week on the Appalachian Trail, good and bad days, hitchhiking, and his most favorite State on the Trail. This interview is 1 … [Read more...]

Top 10 Best Reasons To Thru-Hike The Appalachian Trail

Top 10 Best Reasons To Thru-Hike The Appalachian Trail

After our 1994 Appalachian Trail thru-hike, Troubadour wrote a few newsletters titled "Beyond Katahdin" so we could all keep in touch. This was a top ten list written by Jester who hiked with us. Still makes me laugh... … [Read more...]