Summer 2021 trip in Virginia's Jefferson National Forest to celebrate Roger's MEGA B-Day. It only took 6 months to get this together, but cheers to my favorite peasant!!! And yes the horses are wild and the ghost cow is real - even tried to run my favorite Brit over while sleeping in his tent. No cow tipping on this hike, but Roger did ask for some creamer for his morning coffee... … [Read more...]
Head Butting Pony
This large pony decided to give me a head butt in the Jefferson National Forest! … [Read more...]
The Jolly Roger

Two of my backpacking friends had milestone birthdays in 2021, and we had grand plans to celebrate on distant mountains in the western U.S. But after numerous attempts to synchronize schedules, we settled on a road trip to The Camel's mountain house near Hays, N.C. to celebrate his 60th. Here we are pulling into his driveway after a long drive from Atlanta. The Camel had neighbors over when we arrived. So we had a few beverages with them and enjoyed the sunset from the back … [Read more...]
Friendly Pony
To say the ponies are friendly in the Jefferson National Forest is an understatement. The Kidd looks a bit skiddish!!!! … [Read more...]