Colorado Trail Views From ~11,700′

We finally cleared the trees and walked in to this open area along the ridgeline of the Colorado Trail where there were amazing views at ~11,700'. The Continental Divide Trail also shares this section of trail near Leadville. … [Read more...]

Bear Lake On The Colorado Trail

A video of Bear Lake from Segment 9 of the Colorado Trail. It is a tough ~1700' and 3.5 mile climb from the Timberline Lake trailhead to get here - but there is great scenery on the hike. The trail crosses a pass and a few other small lakes on the hike to Bear Lake. … [Read more...]

Colorado Trail – Segment 9

This is our hike on Segment 9 of the Colorado Trail in September 2020 during the pandemic. The Continental Divide Trail shares this section of the Colorado Trail and both footpaths traverse the scenic Holycross Wilderness with elevation above 11,500 feet. There are two cabins available for rent just off the Trail and close to Tennessee Pass at the end of this section. … [Read more...]

Episode 59: The Man Who Hiked It All

In Episode 59, I speak with Bart Smith (aka Infinite Dust) who was recently featured in Backpacker Magazine as "The Man Who Hiked It All".  Since 1992, Bart has hiked nearly 35,000 miles on 30 of America's National Scenic and Historic Trails - completing the last of the Trails by October 2nd, 2018 to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the National Trails Act. In the show, Bart tells us about his backcountry photography, the coffee table book he completed with Earl Shaffer on the … [Read more...]

Bottled Oxygen

Hitting the bottled oxygen at 9000 feet near Devils Thumb in Colorado. Not quite the boost I expected. Tough to go from 1K to 9K feet in 24 hours. … [Read more...]

Episode 49B: Hiking News 2017 (Coleman Ridge)

In Episode 49, the Camel, Pixie, and I review a few of the major U.S. hiking news events of 2017.  Some of the topics we discuss include nails on trails, backcountry treasures, girls joining the Boy Scouts, and the hardest partiers on the A.T. And in the spirit of giving you reasons to hike more in the New Year, we offer up the 52 hikes in 52 weeks challenge.  We also find inspiration in the youngest person to complete the triple crown (at age 9) and the oldest person to hike the … [Read more...]

Episode 20: The Pacific Crest Trail

In Episode 20, Thirty-Pack talks about his 2013 thru-hike on the 2,663 mile Pacific Crest Trail (PCT).  Over six months, he hiked 420,880 feet of elevation walking from Mexico to Canada along the western mountains of the U.S. This after he completed the Appalachian Trail on the East Coast in 2012 (see Episode #13).  Will the Continental Divide Trail and coveted Triple Crown follow in 2014?  Listen and find out. Topics in this podcast include an injury that nearly ended his … [Read more...]

Episode 19: The Pacific Crest Trail (Bonus)

In Episode 19, I speak with Thirty-Pack about his recent thru-hike on the 2,663 Pacific Crest Trail.  This is the bonus material from the initial interview, so make sure you listen to Episode #20 first. In this bonus podcast, 30-Pack talks about his first day on the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT), trail romance, hiking with dogs, favorite trail towns, and interesting hitches. He finishes with some final thoughts on thru-hiking and how it has changed his life over the last two … [Read more...]

Episode 18: The Triple Crown

In Episode 18, Troubadour recounts his quest for the Triple Crown:  Thru-hiking The Appalachian Trail (in 1994), The Continental Divide Trail (in 2002), and The Pacific Crest Trail (in 1999). In the podcast, Troubadour compares the three major U.S. long distance hiking trails and talks about some favorite sections on each.  He also gives a nod to great trail towns, hostels, and trail angels on these three epic trails. In the early years of the Internet, Troubadour was also a … [Read more...]

Episode 17: Embrace The Brutality (CDT)

In Episode 17, Jester and I speak via phone about his 2013 DVD release  "Embrace The Brutality" which documents his 3100 mile thru-hike on the Continental Divide Trail. In the podcast, Jester talks about his first backpacking trip, his high and low moments on the CDT, what it takes to hike, film, and produce a major film on the Trail, and a major hike that he has planned for Europe.  Jester also offers some general advice to those that plan to hike the CDT and gives great insight … [Read more...]