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Episode 41 Recorded AT TrailDays 1995
Episode 41 recorded at #TrailDays 1995 - 20+ years before Pox Holiday made it an annual tradition to interview #thruhikers in Damascus … [Read more...]
Bear Encounter Near Tray Gap
The Weasel recaps a bear encounter near Tray Gap as we sit fireside later that evening. … [Read more...]
Our Stealth Spot
The trail in Georgia is busy with Appalachian Trail thru hikers right now - so we found this stealth spot off the trail to camp for the night. … [Read more...]
Moonrise Sunset
The moon rises to the east and sun sets in the west - as seen from our campsite near Tray Mountain. … [Read more...]
When the weekend backpacking trip comes together…
When the weekend #backpacking trip comes together. Headed to the #AppalachianTrail for this one. Should be busy with #thruhikers. … [Read more...]
Taunted By The World Wide Wanderer
Remember the World Wide Wanderer on Episode 7? He is taunting me tonight from his campsite on the #AppalachianTrail … [Read more...]
Episode 37: Thirty At Thirty (P2)
In Episode 37, we continue the conversation with 30 Pack. During the second hour of our interview, we discuss his summer rim-to-rim hike of the Grand Canyon, the resulting hallucinations, ultra-marathons, and working with troubled teens in Utah. 30 lived out of his car for 2 1/2 years and tells us some of the craziest things that happened to him during this time - including hiking with the Navajo and hearing and seeing ghosts on the trail in Arizona. You might recall 30 Pack from … [Read more...]
Episode 36: Thirty At Thirty (P1)
In Episode 36, 30 Pack is back!!! And he gives us an update on his wanderlust and travels over the last 2 1/2 years - including his post-PCT adventures with Outburst and their exploration of the wild canyons, hot springs and numerous Trails of the western U.S. 30 Pack then settles briefly in Seattle where he runs his first marathon and is attacked while raising money and helping the homeless on the streets of the City. You might recall 30 Pack from Episode 13 (where we discuss his … [Read more...]
Thursday (9/17/09) - (MA, NH) Arlene had breakfast ready for us when we woke this morning, and after powering down a quick bagel we took her Caddy to Concord for a 10am meeting with American Satellite. Spent an hour talking business, then went to lunch at a country-style restaurant nearby. Enjoyed lunch with Todd/Tim, then I drove straight to the Boston airport. Dropped off Carrie at the American terminal, then let myself out at the National car rental building. Arlene headed home and … [Read more...]