From movie set to backcountry set, a Walk In The Woods on the Appalachian Trail

You may have heard that Walk In The Woods is filming now in the Atlanta area, and Friday I was cast as an extra in a bunkroom scene with actors Robert Redford and Nick Nolte.  True to the book, it was set at Rainbow Springs, N.C. after an April snowstorm.  Needless to say, I had the Appalachian Trail on the brain and talked two friends in to a hike this weekend on the Trail.  Took my backpack straight from the set, and arrived at Hightower Gap on the A.T. on a beautiful spring day. We … [Read more...]


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And the monsoons came. A tale from Good Friday…

The kids were out of school for Good Friday recently, so we took them backpacking on the Appalachian Trail near Tray Mountain.  Here they are at Tray Gap about a mile from the summit. Even the dog was having a great time at Tray Gap and went straight for a mega muddle puddle at the cross-roads.  Three 4x4 Jeeps did the same and entertained the kids before we hit the Trail.  All got a good smattering of mud as you can see below...  Uh, I gotta sleep with that? We considered … [Read more...]

Spring Has Sprung, Time For A Hike On The Benton MacKaye …

After a unseasonably cool winter, the weather finally broke and we decided to take the kids out for an overnight hike. We did this one on a Friday night to avoid conflicts with spring sports and with spring break.  Here we are at the parking area at Three Forks on the Appalachian Trail. The dog is more excited than anyone and is hauling his own food, water, sleeping bag and sleeping pad.  All in - the dog's pack weighs about 8 lbs - nearly the same weight as my empty … [Read more...]

Long Creek Falls, Appalachian Trail, Georgia

Taking a break at Long Creek Falls in North Georgia on the Appalachian Trail. … [Read more...]

Full Moon Fever

Full moon tonight - and there's rumors of Huey's landing in the field with elite Army Rangers nearby. Bet the kids will love that! … [Read more...]

Protected: Wood Collection 101

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Bill Irwin, First Blind Hiker To Hike The Appalachian Trail, Passes Over The Weekend

I read Bill Irwin's book during my 1994 thru-hike - very inspiring.  He was the first blind hiker to hike the entire Appalachian Trail and did it with the assistance of his dog Orient.  Sad to hear that he has passed over the weekend: "Bill Irwin, who in 1990 became the first and only blind person to hike the entire length of the Appalachian Trail without human assistance or companionship, died Saturday morning." A video story on You Tube...             … [Read more...]

Misty Mountain Hop With “The Ken’s”

Here we are with "The Ken's" and Boone Dawg as we wait for Brett at the junction of the Freeman, Reece Memorial and Appalachian Trail. This was the first mile of a nearly eight mile loop hike around Blood Mountain.  … [Read more...]

We weathered rain, slippery rocks, bears, and put Rebel to rest this weekend

Just returned from a loop hike at Blood Mountain via the Reece Memorial, Freeman, and Appalachian Trails. We were aware that bears were a problem in this area and reminded immediately by a sign at the trailhead. Here's two of our crew at the junction of the three trails. The 1.8 mile hike along the Freeman Trail was wet and slippery and much harder than I remembered it. There's not a lot of elevation change, but it's really rocky in sections. We arrive to an empty Woods Hole Shelter around … [Read more...]