Episode 2: The Foothills Trail (Gorges Section)

In Episode 2, John (aka The Kidd) talks about the Gorges Section of the Foothills Trail in western North Carolina and northwestern South Carolina.  In this phone interview, The Kidd talks about our  2001  Foothills Trail hike (and the 10th anniversary of the trip) which took us through a 45 mile section of the 76 mile trail over the course of three days in the Spring of 2001. The Foothills Trail traverses the the Andrew Pickens Ranger District of … [Read more...]

Episode 1: The John Muir Trail

In Episode 1 (the inaugural episode) of the N2Backpacking podcast series, I speak with Glenn and Susan about their adventures on the John Muir Trail (JMT) in 2006.  The Helmet and Doughgirl talk about their preparations, planning, logistics, gear and favorite stops on the John Muir Trail which traverses a portion of the High Sierra in Northern California. The John Muir Trail  follows the Sierra Nevada mountain range for 210 miles … [Read more...]