Dropped him off on the #AppalachianTrail earlier this spring. 3W has officially made it to the halfway point. Congrats! #thruhiker #at2017 … [Read more...]
Episode 41: Trail Days 1995
In Episode 41, we revisit Trail Days in Damascus, Virginia on March 13, 1995. The town has hosted the biggest event on the Appalachian Trail for over 30 years and most of these interviews were recorded live at the annual festival. If you have ever wondered what it was like to thru-hike the A.T. in the early 90's - now is your chance. The podcast is a remix of interviews that I did with ten hikers that were on the Trail in 1994. Yes there were far fewer backpackers on the … [Read more...]
#AppalachianTrail marker
A #thruhiker friend just shared this cool pic of an #AppalachianTrail marker from a recent #backpacking trip. … [Read more...]
Episode 40: Hiking News 2016 (Smokies)
In Episode 40, The Camel and I continue the discussion on hiking news from 2016 in a show recorded right before our annual Klondike hike on the North Carolina side of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Forewarning, we talk felonies, guns, and politics - subjects that get The Camel particularly fired up. So listen in, and we'll brace ourselves for the feedback! 'Cause we talk arson, kidnapping, self-defense, and about the political leadership of our country. And if that … [Read more...]
3W – Thru-Hiker Rendevous
I have a friend hiking the Appalachian Trail this year and his schedule (and some inclement weather) had him take a zero day in Gatlinburg, TN which gave us an opportunity to catch up with him last weekend. Here is the World Wide Wanderer (aka 3W) relaxing on the balcony of the LeConte View Motel. He shared some photos and video from the Trail and detailed his first three weeks on the A.T. We absorbed it like a sponge, then offered to buy him dinner - a gesture that no thru-hiker … [Read more...]
Amicalola Falls State Park 1994 v’s 2017
April 10, 1994 - 23rd anniversary of my thru-hike on the Appalachian Trail. Pic taken at Amicalola Falls State Park in Georgia. And here is Phillip (aka World Wide Wanderer) in the same location two weeks ago when I dropped him off for his thru-hike. The landscaping has definitely improved around the Visitor's Center over the years. Go Phillip Go! … [Read more...]
Episode 39: Hiking News 2016 (Grand Canyon)
In Episode 39, Therm Rider and I do a live winter show from the Yavapai Lodge at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. After a day hiking on the Arizona and Rim Trails, we kick back a cold one and discuss some of the major hiking news events of 2016. In the show, Therm Rider and I recap and debate some of the U.S. news events that were heavily publicized in the outdoor community last year - including epic fails with drones, lost lives from selfies, and wildlife issues and encounters. … [Read more...]
Carry a pebble from Georgia to Maine
Early #AppalachianTrail #thruhikers would carry a pebble from Georgia to Maine. The carrying case I made for World Wide Wanderer this year. … [Read more...]
Go North Young Man
Phillip (aka World Wide Wanderer) starts his 2017 thru-hike at Springer Mountain in North Georgia. … [Read more...]
Nasty storms to hit the #AppalachianTrail tonight
Nasty storms to hit the #AppalachianTrail tonight. First time I've seen a weather alert on TV that names AT Shelters! #thruhikers … [Read more...]