Protected: Thunderstorm #1

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Thunderstorm #2

Our refuge comes too late! This video was shot after we get pounded by a second thunderstorm around 8:30pm and before we got a tarp up to ride it out. … [Read more...]

Thunderstorm #3

This time Reggie and I are ready for the third thunderstorm of the evening which hit us around 9:30pm. Tarp up and riding it out!!! … [Read more...]

Protected: Ranger Field – April 2024

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Big Shoals 1; Rob Brown 0

Even with lower water levels on Big Shoals this year - it packs a punch. Here's the recovery effort after Rob ran the rapid in a canoe. (I incorrectly call this Bull Sluice in the video which is further down the river.) … [Read more...]

West Fork Campgroud Staging Area

This is one of the campsites at West Fork Campground that we used to stage our kayaks for a multi-day trip on the Chattoga River. From here it's a two hour float to the Chattooga. … [Read more...]

Snowy Mountain Hop

We hiked a section of the Appalachian Trail in single digit temperatures in January this year and enjoyed the snow/ice covered trees on some of the knobs just south of Plum Orchard Shelter. … [Read more...]

Ridgeline Sunset

Beer Run and I hit the ridgeline right at sunset. Looks like we'll be hiking in the dark tonight! … [Read more...]

Episode 102: Backcountry Halloween

In Episode 102, we have our FIRST Halloween special and discuss some of the spooky and crazy ass things that have happened in the backcountry over the last two decades. Cardiac and Drone Boy join me in the studio for this podcast and talk through some disturbing and well publicized events - some don't have a happy ending. We even share some scary personal encounters and expect that you have your own. So reach out to us and let us know about your spooky experiences on the trail. In … [Read more...]

Maine – September 2022

In September 2022, we did a backpacking trip to Maine to celebrate Beer Run's 50th birthday. Spent a couple nights in the legendary 100 Mile Wilderness and had a chance to visit Casco Bay and Portland's Fort Williams on the way back to Boston. … [Read more...]