Episode 40: Hiking News 2016 (Smokies)

In Episode 40, The Camel and I continue the discussion on hiking news from 2016 in a show recorded right before our annual Klondike hike on the North Carolina side of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park.  Forewarning, we talk felonies, guns, and politics – subjects that get The Camel particularly fired up.

So listen in, and we’ll brace ourselves for the feedback!  ‘Cause we talk arson, kidnapping, self-defense, and about the political leadership of our country.  And if that doesn’t make you smile (or cringe), click here for some photos from our Klondike hike to get a look at why we head in to the backcountry in the first place.

Subject: Hiking News Review (Great Smokies Show)
Interviewee: The Camel
Interview Date: January 26, 2017
Runtime: 52:39

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