Episode 104B: Backpacker Trivia

In Episode 104B, we are once again deep in the backcountry on the Benton MacKaye Trail where we sit fireside and under the stars for Backpacker Trivia. In the show, I pose questions from Backpacker Magazine, the U.S. Forest Service, and KSLTV in Salt Lake City on some interesting hiking and backpacking questions about the backcountry.

In the podcast, we have a lot of fun answering trivia questions at our campsite and we actually witness a trail runner on a 60 mile midnight run as we record our podcast! This is a fun episode that definitely merits bonus show status. If you like bonus cuts, you’ll certainly enjoy this show…  

Subject: Backpacker Trivia
Interviewees: 3Dub, Beer Run, Bono, The Weasel, Therm Rider
Interview Date: April 13, 2024
Runtime: 38:26

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