Episode 102: Backcountry Halloween

In Episode 102, we have our FIRST Halloween special and discuss some of the spooky and crazy ass things that have happened in the backcountry over the last two decades. Cardiac and Drone Boy join me in the studio for this podcast and talk through some disturbing and well publicized events – some don’t have a happy ending. We even share some scary personal encounters and expect that you have your own. So reach out to us and let us know about your spooky experiences on the trail.

In reality, the backcountry is statistically a very safe place – way more than any major metro area in the U.S. So don’t let this episode freak you out. Keep on hiking, be smart, and be aware. Happy Halloween!

Subject: Backcountry Halloween
Interviewees: Cardiac, Drone Boy
Interview Date: October 21, 2023
Runtime: 1:21:28

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