Fish Dinner

The Cobb's filet Roger's fish in the rain, and here it is sizzling in the pan. And The Britt didn't have to go more than 40 yards to catch it! That's when you know the fishing is good. … [Read more...]

Smoke Signals

Here's what happens when you run out of lighter fluid and substitute some Coleman Fuel. Matt is sending smoke signals to his wife in South Carolina. … [Read more...]

Camp Fugarwi Fridge Repair

The Britt like his beer COLD.  That's motivation to get this damn fridge fixed! … [Read more...]

Muscle Morning

This is why the Weasel and I are fat and why Muscle Jim is not ... or one of many reasons. It's 8:50am, and he's already run six miles. Guess he earned that beer. … [Read more...]

You Gotta Try One…

It's Saturday night at the Sportsman Inn, and Matt claims the bar garnishes taste pretty damn good. Make you hungry? … [Read more...]

Cobb Towing, Inc.

When you need a 3 1/2 hour tow in the middle of no-where ... The Cobb's deliver. Or should I say Jerry Burke delivers? He provided the 20 horses. … [Read more...]