Episode 29: SOBO

In Episode 29, we discuss the expected surge of Appalachian Trail thru-hikers this spring and why a southbound hike might be the right decision for you in 2016.  On the show, Popeye talks about his southbound (SOBO) thru-hike and we debunk many of the myths of walking south from Maine to Georgia: dealing with the weather, the insects, the lack of community, the lack of services, and the immediate challenge of terrain.

Popeye and I met at Tray Mountain when he was only three days from the southern terminus and we discuss his life on the Trail as a SOBO hiker, the new rivalry between northbound and southbound hikers, and the events that led him to the emergency room on his last day on the Trail.

So listen in – and when the mobs of thru-hikers hit the A.T. this spring (thanks to Wild and Walk In The Woods) you now have an alternative option for the A.T.  Follow Popeye here.  Or click this link to learn more about the Appalachian Trail.

Subject: SOBO
Interviewees: Edward (Popeye)
Interview Date: December 18, 2015
Runtime: 1:55:55

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