Newton Bald
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
107 Park Headquarters Road
Gatlinburg, TN 37738
(865) 436-1200
Great Smoky Mountains National Park encompasses 800 square miles of land and 95 percent of it is forested. The park is world renowned for the diversity of its plant and animal resources and for the beauty of its ancient mountains. Unfortunately, the majority of the people that visit the park never visit the backcountry and see some of the best wilderness in the Southeastern U.S. This shuttle hike starts at US 441 and the junction with the Thomas Divide Trail. There is a very small area for a few vehicles to park parallel on the road – but no parking beyond that. From here, the Thomas Divide Trail makes a series of ascents and descents until it reaches the Sunkota Ridge Trail after 4.7 miles. At this intersection, the Thomas Divide Trail continues for 0.4 miles to reach the Newton Bald Trail which drops 5.4 miles over 2800 feet down to US 441 near Smokemont. There is better parking at this trailhead – especially if you use the parking area across the bridge from US 441.
Newton Bald campsite #52 is located near the junction of the Thomas Divide and Newton Bald Trails and it has room for a few tents. A reliable spring is located about 50 yards downhill from the campsite. The forest has reclaimed Newton Bald – so don’t expect exceptional views from here – although winter views can be seen from the campsite looking to the north and northwest. You can visit the Park website to reserve this site in advance which is limited to eight backpackers.
- click to see a video of the Elk Crossing on US 441 near Cherokee, North Carolina
- click for Backcountry Hors D’Oeuvres, Knights Of Ni, Newton Bald?, Countdown To Cold, Hot Pants (password required)
- click for trail photos from this hike in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park: January 27, 2017 (password required)
- click for a trip report of this winter backpacking trip to Newton Bald: January 27, 2017 (password required)
- click to purchase a Trails Illustrated map of Great Smoky Mountains National Park
- click for a road and facilities map of Great Smoky Mountains National Park
- click for a trail map of Great Smoky Mountain National Park
- click for a trail and profile map of this hike on the Thomas Divide Trail to Newton Bald
- click for a trail and profile map of this backpacking trip from Newton Bald to Smokemont
- click for a map of some other trails hiked in this area in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
- click for other trips to the nearby Kephart Shelter in November 1992 and December 2010
- click to see a list of all our Klondike hikes that date back to the late 90’s (password required)
- click for access to the guidebook Trail By Trail: Backpacking In The Smoky Mountains which has details on this destination
- click for other North Carolina hiking and backpacking books