Stone Mountain

Location: Northeast Georgia
Trip Starts: Train Station
Trip Ends: Stone Mountain
Total Distance: 3 miles
Hike Type: In & Out, Backtrack Hike
Hike Difficulty: Moderate to Difficult
Trails Used: Stone Mountain Trail
Trail Traffic: Heavy
Trip Type: Day Hike
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Stone Mountain Park
PO Box 778
1000 Robert E. Lee Drive
Stone Mountain Park, GA 30086


Stone Mountain is a granite dome monadnock located in the eastern suburbs of Atlanta. The summit elevation is 1,686 feet which is roughly 800 feet above the surrounding area and it is accessible by either tram or via a hiking trail that ascends up it’s western face. Stone Mountain is well-known not only for its geology, but also for the enormous carving of three Confederate icons of the Civil War era which include Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee, and Jefferson Davis. The hike to the summit is well-marked with excellent views in the last half mile. It’s heavily used but the large open area and 360 degree views from the summit allow you to get away from the masses. If possible, try to catch the sunset in the evening for a great silhouette of the Atlanta skyline.

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