As you click through N2Backpacking, you will come across some links that are password protected. These are generally videos, photos, or trip reports where a member of our hiking group asked for the material to remain private. In the interest of keeping friendships intact, I have honored their request.
I have also attached maps, magazine articles, and news articles to some hikes to provide more information on a specific destination. Since I do not have the rights to publish this material, these links are also password protected. As I have learned over time, these materials are copyrighted and aggressively protected by their media source. So to avoid any conflicts, I have locked down any content that I did not directly produce for this site. If there is something that specifically interests you about a hike and you are unable to access it here, please try one of the following:
1. Get one of the guidebooks or trail maps recommended for this hike. Direct links are provided at N2Backpacking to where there is a guidebook or map with more trail information for this hike.
2. Click to and do a search for the hike. This website is designed for hikers and backpackers to trade information so free directions, contact information, maps, photos, and trip reports, are often provided by members of this social network.
3. Check the discussion forum. The answer to your question could be here, or you could post and ask other hikers and backpackers for help. (Note: Registration is not required to browse the forums, but it is required to post in the forums.)
How does one get a password to access your site?
The site looks great and would love to be able to see more.Thanks,
Passwords are in place per friends requests (that don’t want their photos, videos, etc. publicly available).
And in some cases I don’t have publishing rights to the maps, etc.
So there’s no subscription based option at this time. Sorry.
But I’ve tried to make as much content as possible open to the public.