Saturday, July 30, 1994 (Sunfish Pond Campsite) – Kara and I got up at 8am this morning, checked out of our $55 room, then hit the
Sunday, July 31, 1994 (Brink Road Shelter) – Kara and I packed up camp and were on the trail by 9am this morning. Used her raft (which doubled as her sleeping pad last night)
Monday, August 1, 1994 (High Point State Park Pavillion) – I was the last to leave the shelter this morning and hiked nearly 18 miles to High Point State Park during the day. Arrived around
Tuesday, August 2, 1994 (Wallkill River Campsite) – Got a late start out of the park today since I spent some time on the phone with Mom & Dad. Dad is headed to Virginia to backpack with Bill Balderson soon, so we talked about that for a while. Hiked seven miles to Unionville by noon and covered the distance in only 2 ½ hours. Got groceries and had lunch with Caveman, then we hit a local tavern with Pieps and Perma Grin. Planned to hike to a bed & breakfast called the Apple Valley Inn
Wednesday, August 3, 1994 (Fire Pavilion – Vernon, NJ) – Got up at 6am this morning and hit the trail
Thursday, August 4, 1994 (Wildcat Shelter) – Left the pavilion in Vernon, NJ by 7:40am this morning and got a ride 2.3 miles to the trail from an ATC Club member.
Friday, August 5, 1994 (Graymoor Friary) – Hiked ~5 miles to West Mombasha Road and Pappy’s Deli by 10:30am this morning. Had a big lunch with Pieps and Perma Grin and hung out at the deli until 1:30pm when the rain started. We had plans for big miles today to the Brien Shelter, but the rain had us pull an audible. Hitched four separate times to NY 17, Lake Tiorati, and eventually Bear Mountain where I picked up a maildrop. An African American lady gave us one of the rides – having just left
In April 1996, I returned to West Mombasha Road to hike to the Graymoor Friary over three separate days. With Slawdog I backpacked northbound on the A.T. from West Mombasha Road to Bear Mountain. Earlier that weekend, I headed solo and southbound between Bear Mountain and the Graymoor Friary.
Saturday, August 6, 1994 (RPH Cabin, Hortontown Road) – Left the Graymoor Friary at 10am today after a HUGE and tasty all-you-can-eat breakfast with the Motor City Ramblers in the dining area. Moved slowly but had weather for hiking today with temperatures back down to the 70’s and record lows planned for tonight. The hike today was nearly 20 miles and I rolled in to the
Sunday, August 7, 1994 (Telephone Pioneers Shelter) – Had an interesting morning when I borrowed
Follow this link to continue reading about my hike on the Connecticut & Massachusetts section of the Appalachian Trail. MORE DETAILS |
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