Chase Palm Park

Location: Southern California
Trip Starts: Stearn’s Warf
Trip Ends: Stearn’s Warf
Total Distance: 2.3 miles
Hike Type: Roundtrip, Loop Hike
Hike Difficulty: Easy
Trails Used: Paved Beach Trail
Trail Traffic: Moderate
Trip Type: Day Hike
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Chase Palm Park
236 East Cabrillo Blvd
Santa Barbara, CA 93103
(805) 564-5418


Chase Palm Park has two areas on each side of Cabrillo Boulevard. The ocean side is a narrow park adjacent to East Beach with an open grassy area and bike path/walkway from Stearns Wharf to East Beach. The mountain side is a 10-acre area with fountains, a lagoon, and a shipwreck playground for kids. This route is on the ocean side of the park.

The paved beach walkway is an easy hike using a combination of the bike path and beach to walk a short loop that includes the Stearns Warf pier. This route is busy – even during the week – but their are scenic views to the ocean and the mountains to the north which makes this an interesting hike. Food and drinks are available on the pier if you want to take a break during this easy and relaxing hike.

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