Nabob Loop

Location: Northern Utah
Trip Starts: Silver Lake Village
Trip Ends: Silver Lake Village
Total Distance: 1.4 miles
Hike Type: Roundtrip, Loop Hike
Hike Difficulty: Moderate to Difficult
Trails Used: Nabob Loop Trail
Trail Traffic: Moderate
Trip Type: Day Hike
More Information:

Deer Valley Resort
P.O. Box 889
Park City, UT 84060
800-424-DEER (3337)


The hike along the Nabob loop starts at the Silver Lake Village ticket office, makes a short climb along the Homestake Lift then cuts to the west and climbs a ridge toward the Wasatch Express Lift. From the ridge there are excellent views to the southwest. The loop then continues counter-clockwise back toward the starting point through a forest of hardwoods. The elevation change is roughly 500 feet (250′ up and 250′ back down.)

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