Hogabu Hut

Location: Southwest Norway
Trip Starts: Vaksdal
Trip Ends: Dale
Total Distance: 18 miles
Hike Type: One-Way, Shuttle Hike
Hike Difficulty: Difficult
Trails Used: Hogabu Hut
Trail Traffic: None to Light
Trip Type: Overnight Hike
More Information:

Innovation Norway
P.O. Box 448 Sentrum
N-0158 Oslo, Norway


Kvamskogen is a mountain plateau in the Hardanger region of Vestland county, Norway. It is located in the municipalities of Samnanger and Kvamskogen ahs several ski resorts, and more than 1700 cabins, the third highest concentration of cabins in the country including the Hogabu Hut.

Most tourists that visit Norway make their way to Bergen at some point during their trip. The great thing about this hike is that it is easily accessible by train from Bergen. The Bergen Hiking Club provides outstanding accommodations in their hut system, and the hike to Hogabu is spectacular. There are at least two major waterfalls, over eight frozen lakes, and lots of hiking above tree line (especially if you walk from Vaksdal to Dale).  There is also a bus system that will save you the road walk from Li to Dale – but our timing was off and we got five bonus miles to Dale on this hike. 

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